Amber Beauregard: MVP Award, Gold in Synchronized (with Piper Force), Silver in Forms, Bronze in Weapons, Bronze in Chanbara, and Bronze in Open
Bryon Davis: Gold in Weapons, Gold in Sparring, Gold in Forms, and Bronze in Synchronized (with his wife Linda Davis). Three golds makes Bryon a Triple Crown winner
Cole Von Lukawiecki: Gold in Forms, Gold in Sparring, Silver in Open, Bronze in Weapons, and Bronze in Chanbara
Darrell Warren: Gold in Sparring, Silver in Weapons, and Bronze in Forms
Jason Hardie: Bronze in Weapons and Bronze in Forms
Kelsey Cooper: Silver in Chanbara, Silver in Weapons, Silver in Forms, and Bronze in Open
Linda Davis: Bronze in Synchronized (with her husband Bryon Davis), Bronze in Forms, and Bronze in Open
Piper Force: Gold in Chanbara, Gold in Synchronized (with Amber Beauregard), and Silver in Sparring
Sandy Hardie: Bronze in Forms